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Woman lives through long winter; transforms in hot water

I don’t really like Central Oregon Winters. Oh, the first part is all fine and dandy, fresh snow and Holidays and such. It is the last part, where daydreams of warm days seem so far away. This year, I wanted to put this struggle behind me. I decided the only way to do that was to visit Crystal Crane Hot Springs. What better place to slow down and shed some winter cobwebs than in a pool of hot water, sunshine helping me to feel good? 

The drive was glorious, heading East of Bend on Highway 20, for 125 miles. I traveled through the tiny towns of Brothers and Riley to arrive in Burns. Burns is where I stopped  to have a little pizza lunch and pick up some freshwater for my trip. I then took Highway 78 East of town towards Crane,Oregon. In 25 miles I saw steam rising up from the plain. Several buildings dot the property, which was clearly marked on the left. 

 I checked in with the main office and headed out to soak. I showered off and entered the pool, steam wrapped around me as I plunged into the healing waters. I wiggled and stretched my hips releasing a year of tension. My mind melted into my body and my lungs opened up to breathe deep gulps of fresh, desert wind. Something deep inside of me sighed out all worry, fear, and perfectionism.  With endless sky above and the gentle babble of water entering the pond, I slipped into a state of meditative bliss

I stayed in the water until my body throbbed and my heartbeat began to tick in my ears like a grandfather clock. My accommodations were a little hickory shed turned bunkhouse. I walked across the grass and gravel to the bunkhouse porch and collapsed into a rocking chair. A neon sunset began to erupt across the sagebrush skyline. Soon, I meandered to the community kitchen and put together a feast of salami and crackers I had brought.  I poured myself some tea from the game room and settled into my tiny house for the night. Coyotes sang me to sleep. 

The next day I booked a private tub in a cedar room adjoining the bathrooms and showers. This was my favorite part, a steel trough filled with water, all my own.  Again, I soaked until I was red in the face and gasping for cold air. I will count this as my cellular detox for a whole year! 

 I am already dreaming of my next visit, when I will stay in the teepee with a private tub and heated floor. Crystal Crane Hot Springs is just the rejuvenation I needed to ease my winter blues and make way for new spring blessings. 

Crystal Crane is located three hours East of Bend. To get there drive Highway 20 East to Burns, travel Highway 78 E for 25 miles towards Crane, Oregon. The resort will be on your left, marked by a wooden sign and rising steam.

Woman lives through long winter; transforms in hot water

Breakfast Burritos

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